Full rules of the game "LES JOLIS MOIS".
Article 1: Organising Company
The company OPPIDUM, registered under number 833 710 361 RCS Albi, whose registered office is located at Prat de la Borie, 81140 Puycelsi, FRANCE - (hereinafter the "Organising Company") is organising a game entitled "Monthly draws" (hereinafter the "Game").
Article 2: Game media
The Game will run from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 inclusive and will be announced on :
- The website http://www.oppidum-france.com
- Social networks :
- on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/oppidum.soap/
- on Instagram via the account oppidum_officiel, in sponsored or unsponsored posts
- Emails sent to subscribers to the Newsletter attached to the www.oppidum-france.com website.
Article 3: Conditions of participation
The Contest is open to all natural persons of legal age (on the date of participation in the Contest) residing in metropolitan France, including Corsica and DROM COM, with the exception of members of the Organising Company's staff, points of sale, as well as any entity having participated directly or indirectly in the design, organisation, execution and/or management of the Contest.
Article 4: Prizes
4.1: Definition of the prizes and determination of the winners
To be won in each monthly draw held throughout the duration of the Game: the same purchase as the one drawn, delivered in kind at the expense of the Organising Company. The winner is the person whose name is attached to the purchase drawn on the date it was made. Only the name indicated in the order management software at the time of the initial purchase may be retained as the name of the winner. The name attached to the payment instruments used to pay for the initial purchase, if different, does not determine the winner of the draw.
The winners will be informed of their win by email and will receive their prizes by parcel sent to the address indicated at the time of their initial purchase and provided to OPPIDUM, within approximately 8 weeks from the confirmation of the win.
4.2 : Details of the allocations
The prizes are non-changeable, non-exchangeable and non-refundable. They are always delivered in kind, in the form of products. They cannot be replaced by a sum of money equivalent to the total or partial value of the prize.
The value of the prizes is determined at the time of drafting these rules and cannot be contested as to its evaluation. These prizes may not be the subject of a request for financial consideration, exchange or return, for any reason whatsoever.
The Organising Company reserves the right, if circumstances so require, to substitute, at any time, for the prize, a prize of equivalent commercial unit value and characteristics without being held liable.
Article 5: Terms and conditions and determination of winners
To participate in the Game, the interested party must simply :
- Buy at least one OPPIDUM product in the month before the draw, either on the eshopwww.oppidum-france.comor in the workshop shop in Puycelsi;
- Create an account at the time of purchase by completing the registration form (mandatory fields to be filled in).
Fill in: title, surname, first name, username, e-mail address, password,
confirmation password), or log in (username and password) for
following connections;
- Accept the principle of participation by accepting the General Terms and Conditions of Sale by ticking the box "I have read and accept the general terms and conditions of sale. I am of age, I have read and accept the rules of the LES JOLIS MOIS prize draw which will take place next month". Refusal to participate in the game can be expressed by ticking the box "I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sale but I refuse to participate in the monthly draws of the OPPIDUM NICE MONTHS game programme".
A "draw" is a computer program that randomly and without human intervention designates, from the complete list of purchases of the previous month, a purchase that will be declared a winner and will constitute one of the prizes stipulated in article 4. This draw will take place during the first 7 days of each month, from February 2022 to December 2022 inclusive
The winner elects domicile at the address indicated and confirmed by him/her.
In the interest of confidentiality, no mailing or telephone communication of the list of winners will be made.
In the event that a winner no longer has the same delivery address as the one indicated at the time of the initial purchase, it will be up to the winner to indicate a new address provided that it is located in the same geographical area as that of the Game indicated in article 3 of these rules and that it concerns the same shipping name.
In general, in the event that all the prizes could not be awarded to the winners, the Organising Company reserves the right to organise a final draw among the participants who initially lost in order to put these unawarded prizes back into play.
Article 6: Regulation
Participation in the Game implies full acceptance of these rules.
No queries (by e-mail or telephone) regarding the interpretation or application of the rules or the terms and mechanisms of the Game will be answered.
These rules are published and available on https://www.oppidum-france.com/jeulesjolismois throughout the duration of the Game. It can also be obtained, until 31 December 2022, by writing to the Game address: OPPIDUM - Concours LES JOLIS MOIS - Prat de la Borie - 81140 PUYCELSI
Article 7: Non-refund of participation fees
The Organising Company will not reimburse the costs of participating in the Game, whatever they may be (internet connection costs, etc.).
Article 8: Limit of liability
8.1. The Organising Company cannot be held responsible for problems inherent in the Internet connection or the poor delivery of mail or any other problem that is not attributable to it and that occurs during the Contest.
Il appartient donc à tout participant de prendre toutes les mesures appropriées de façon à remplir de façon complète les champs à renseigner lors d’un achat en ligne ou en caisse et à protéger son matériel et les données stockées sur ses équipements (informatique et téléphonique) contre tout atteinte.
8.2. Participants agree that the data contained in the information systems of the
Société Organisatrice aient force probant
8.3. The Organising Company undertakes to do everything in its power with its service providers to ensure the proper conduct of the game. Nevertheless, if a technical failure occurs and affects the proper conduct of the game under conditions beyond the control of the Organising Company, the latter shall not be liable to the participants. In particular, the Organising Company shall not be held liable for the failure of participants' equipment (telephone, smartphone, computers, etc.), for the loss of data that may result from such failure for a reason not attributable to the Organising Company and for the impact of such failure on their participation in the Game.
8.4 If a winner's contact details cannot be used or if the winner cannot be identified by name, postal address or e-mail address, it is not up to the Organising Company to make any further enquiries in order to find the unavailable winner, who will not receive the prize or any compensation or indemnity.
8.5. The winners will receive their prizes at the postal address indicated in the registration form within approximately 8 weeks from the confirmation of the win. In the event that the Organising Company does not manage to contact the winner by email (in accordance with the contact details indicated in the registration form) after 2 attempts (by leaving messages on the email box), the winner not having claimed his/her prize within 3 months following the date of the email notifying him/her of his/her prize, or not having collected his/her prize within the time limits set by the Post Office, he/she shall be considered to have purely and simply renounced his/her prize. The prize will not be awarded and may not be claimed at a later date under any circumstances. It shall remain the property of the Organising Company and may be reallocated to a substitute or used in a subsequent operation.
8.6 In the event that the winner expressly waives the right to benefit from the prize, the latter shall be retained by the Organising Company and may be used in the context of a subsequent operation, if the nature of the prize so permits, and without the Organising Company being held liable as a result.
Article 9: Correspondence
No correspondence or refund requests that are not compliant (incomplete, illegible, incorrect, with insufficient postage, sent by registered mail, returned after the deadline or sent by e-mail) will be considered.
Article 10: Disqualification
Participants authorise all verifications concerning their identity, age, address and telephone number in the context of the Game. Any participation that does not comply with these rules, that is incomplete or with incorrect contact details will be considered null and void. Any fraud or attempted fraud, the use of robots or any other similar process to play the Game mechanically and/or to increase the chances of winning by any means or otherwise is prohibited.
La Société Organisatrice pourra ainsi exclure, suspendre et/ou annuler définitivement la participation d’un ou plusieurs participant(s) en cas de constatation d’un comportement suspect consistant notamment en la mise en place d’un système de réponses automatisé, la connexion de plusieurs personnes et de postes informatiques différents à partir du même profil de participation, un rythme de gains inhabituels, une tentative de forcer les serveurs des organisateurs, une multiplication de
La Société
Any participant in the Game will be temporarily or permanently excluded from the Game in the event of suspicion
The Organising Company shall not be held liable for any fraud or attempted fraud or proven fraud.
Article 11: Force majeure
The Organising Company shall not incur any liability whatsoever if, in the event of force majeure or events beyond its control or if circumstances so require, it is forced to cancel this Game, to shorten, extend, postpone or suspend it or to modify the conditions thereof, and it shall not be held liable in this regard.
It reserves the right to extend the participation period in any case.
Article 12: Exemption from liability
The Organising Company cannot be held responsible for any defect or malfunction of the prizes, which are the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.
The Organising Company declines all responsibility for any incidents or accidents that may occur to the winner(s) during the use and/or enjoyment of the prizes.
Article 13: Authorisation to use winners' names, addresses and images
Subject to having obtained the express authorisation of the participant who has reached the age of majority, the Organising Company may use the names, addresses and photographs of the participants for publicity purposes, without this giving them any right to remuneration or any other advantage other than the award of their prize.
Article 14: Intellectual property rights and copyright
In accordance with the laws governing intellectual property rights and copyright, the use of all or part of the elements subject to intellectual property rights or protected by copyright reproduced in the context of this Game is strictly prohibited, except with the express prior authorisation of the Organising Company.
Article 15: Applicable Law and Disputes
The Game is subject to French law.
Any dispute concerning the interpretation of the rules and/or cases not provided for in these rules shall be settled out of court. Failing that, it will be submitted to the courts of the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal of Toulouse.
Article 16: Protection of personal data
The provision of data is mandatory for participation in the Game. Indeed, this data is necessary for the proper management of the game, the awarding and delivery of the prizes and to comply with our legal obligations and those arising from the present rules. It may be communicated to the service provider(s) and subcontractor(s) that the organising company may call upon for the purposes of organising and/or managing the Game.
Les données personnelles transmises par les participants font l’objet d’un traitement informatique pour les besoins de la gestion du Jeu et sont destinées à OPPIDUM SAS. Chaque participant dispose d’un droit d’accès, de rectification, de suppression des informations les concernant ainsi que du droit de définir des directives relatives au sort desdites données dans le cas où ils déc[email protected].
Each Participant also has the right to file a complaint with the CNIL, whose contact details are as follows
CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07
Tel: 01 53 73 22 22
Fax: 01 53 73 22 00
In accordance with the regulations in force, the participants' personal data is kept for the duration of the game and then archived for five (5) years to comply with legal obligations.
Participants may receive commercial offers on OPPIDUM SAS products, or commercial offers from third parties on their products and services, by mail, email, telephone or SMS, provided that participants expressly authorise the Organising Company to do so in advance, in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in Article 5 of these rules.
For more information on the processing of your personal data you can consult the Privacy tab of the website www.oppidum-france.com